Mideast: On Target - Familiar Errors: "A corrupt, brutal regime is driven out of part of the area it controls by an anti-Western, ideological, violent opponent.� The population, exploited and brutalized by both, prefers the ideological to the corrupt, and votes accordingly.� In an attempt to regain power, the corrupt regime declares its %u201Cmoderation%u201D and its commitment to Western democratic values, while continuing its path of brutality and exploitation of the population.� The West, correctly fearing the consequences of the victory of the anti-West group, backs the corrupt regime, as the lesser of two evils, despite the fact that the population has long withdrawn support from the corrupt leadership.� The result: nearly 60,000 Americans killed in Southeast Asia between 1964 and 1973.� Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Vietnam.
The decision to support Abu Mazen and the %u201Cmoderate%u201D terrorists of Fatah against the fanatic terrorists of Hamas is as wrong headed and doomed as was the American foray into Vietnam four decades ago.� And for the same reasons: it is doomed to fail.� The Hamas election victory and subsequent ejection of Fatah from Gaza over the past year are indicators of a number of trends, none of which will be reversed by arming Fatah gunmen and releasing their terrorists from Israeli prisons"
See the balance of this very interesting analysis by clicking on the link above.
Ilhan Omar’s Unhinged Tweets Show How Confused She is About Israel
In a clearly not-attention-seeking move, Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar took to
social media on Wednesday to announce to her 2.9 million followers that
there i...
1 year ago