Friday, October 16, 2009

Op-Ed Columnist - An Ordinary Israel -

Op-Ed Columnist - An Ordinary Israel -
In this Op-ed Mr. Cohen demonstrates his usual mixture of naivete mixed with left wing prejudices and moral relativism, always seeking to see matters from the other side instead of from the Western aligned target of his criticism.
Israeli "exceptionalism" is a survival instinct in a world where this little country has, from the very first day, been subjected to the most vile of double standards in its treatment by international insitutions, which reinforce millenia old self survival instincts in the Jewish people that lead to the conclusion that the world IS out to either scapegoat or destroy them, whether for reasons of old fashioned Christian anti-Semitism,Nazism, Islamic exceptionalism (yes, by the "diverse", peace-loving people surrounding Israel and outnumbering it by many, many times), and Western-intellectual anti-Zionism that often looks like anti-Semitism (Mr. Cohen, check out the signs held by protesters at your next local college anti-Israel rally and you tell me if there is some anti-Semitism being publicly displayed under the cover of the Left).
The amount of time the UN spends on Israel versus the world's other problems defines the term "scapegoat" and reflects cynical deflective politics at its worst, and Mr. Cohen's not-so-artful obfuscations can't change that. The US, using Predator drones firing missiles in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and Eastern Africa at anonymous groups of people at wedding ceremonies and elsewhere, has inadvertently killed many more civilians than Israel did in Gaza, several times over -- this is the cost of war, no matter how carefully it is undertaken. The extreme horrors that Russia exacted on the people of Chechnya are very well documented -- yet neither produced a Goldstone report.
Most every disputed territorial conflict in the world in the 20th Century was resolved with some form of population swap. The Czechs are currently battling the applicability of EU law on human rights because of the small fact surrounding 3 million ethnic Germans chased out of Czech territory after WWII -- this is what happens in war). The UN cannot hide from its own reports indicating a larger number of Arab Jews (800,000-900,000) were forced to run for their lives from Arab countries in connection with Israel's birth, than Palestinians from Israel (600,000), yet Israel bears the specter of giving Palestinians the "right of return to Israel", where a population exchange already occurred, de facto. With the complete removal of Israeli towns ("settlements", a dehumanizing term) from Palestinian territories, Israel is expected to make Palestine Judenrein, yet it is OK for 1 Million Arab Israelis to continue to live peacefully within Israeli borders -- even when the settlements represent but a small portion of Palestinian territories (less than 4%, to be more exact). The world is awash with "Islamic republics", recognized as states where Islamic law and believers hold special sway, including democracies like Pakistan, and non-Islamics suffer from various forms of discrimination in these states, yet when Israel asks to be recognized as a Jewish state, this is racist and apartheid.
Israeli exceptionalism, and paranoia about the intent of the rest of the world, no less its enemies, is born from some very real conditions in the world around it. The inconsistency in these matters have to be honestly addressed and remedied before Israel can be expected to become "unexceptional", give up its nuclear shield against a hostile world around it, and be expected to possess a less alarmed approach to the intentions and expanding capabilities of an Iranian government that has called for its elimination and refutes the Holocaust.
Mr. Cohen, you live in your own world. You are either really dumb, or really evil.

Monday, October 12, 2009

R. James Woolsey: The Ugly Premise of 'Settlement' Opponents -

Great point. If Arabs make up 20% of Israel's population, why is it so unacceptable for Jews (the settlements) to make up 10% of Palestine's population? Answer, because the Palestinians can be expected to kill the Jews living on this land, while the Israeli's have not killed the Arab's living in Israel, where despite petty discrimination, they have flourished in an environment they could only hope to achieve in an Arab country. Judenrein Palestine "defines deviancy down" -- Moynihan's phrase.

R. James Woolsey: The Ugly Premise of 'Settlement' Opponents -