Monday, September 04, 2006

El Al planes can't refuel in Europe | Jerusalem Post

"European countries have been refusing to allow planes carrying IDF supplies to refuel at their airports, according to the El Al Pilots Union.

Italy, Britain, Portugal, Spain and Germany refuse to allow El Al cargo planes transporting US military equipment to Israel to land and refuel, El Al Pilots Union chairman Itai Regev wrote in a letter sent Sunday to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert."

The Israelis seem very upset and surprised about this, questioning which side the Europeans take in the war on terror. This is really just par for the course, and the Israelis should not be surprised by now -- the Europeans view of Israel, as confirmed by their own polls, is somewhere between annoyance at Israel for wanting to survive and out-and-out Antisemitism.

Besides, we (the US) suffer the same types of boycotts of overflight privileges and the like by the Europeans while we continue to defend their asses, and have suffered this indignity for decades (remember Ronald Reagan's attack of Quaddafi's tents in Libya -- the French refused our planes the ability to fly over French territory).

See remainder of story at:

El Al planes can't refuel in Europe | Jerusalem Post

See remainder of story at:

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