Dateline Tehran, on this story (Moroccan Wins Holocaust Cartoon Contest). The story is a must read to understand the degree of hatred that nests in the Iranian leadership, underscoring the reasoning behind taking the Iranians seriously when they call for the destruction of Israel on one hand, and develop nuclear weapons and the missiles with which to deliver them, on the other hand. By the way, a French entry came in second, and entries were received from the US, Indonesia, Brazil and Turkey, among other countries.
In separate (unrelated?) stories today, by the way, the Iranians have announced they are testing a new Shahib-3 long term missile with a 2,000 kilometer range capable of reaching Israel and most of the Middle East, and President Bush told Chirac that he "would understand an Israeli attack on Iran" and we "cannot rule it out". All of this amidst unprecedented US and allied naval maneuvers in the Persian Gulf...
At the end of the Summer I predicted in this blog ("Miscellaneous Predictions, Part 1 -- the Stock Market") that oil would come way down as inventories caught up with hedge fund oil futures speculation, that the stock market was due for a major move up before the elections for a whole host of reasons, in spite of mixed economic news, that the housing bubble would continue to deflate, threatening the US economy (all of US job growth this century can be attributed to housing construction and increases in medical workers), and that there would be no significant diplomatic progress on containing Iran. My timing was incredible (if I must say so myself) and so far I've been 100% correct. I also predicted that 2007 would be a very dangerous year, where we would pay the price for all of this. Let's hope I'm wrong on this one.
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