Saturday, March 31, 2007
Australian Muslim Found Guilty of terror plot to Blow up Australian Power Grid - National -
See also "Jihad Watch", which quotes the convicted on a videotape found in his home, echoing what many conservative Muslims believe (check their public opinion polls if you have any doubt),
"Jihad "is a way to spread the religion and terrorise the enemy, to expand the domain of Islam all around the world".Jihad Watch --"Jihad is the best thing that man can ever volunteer to do" -- May 4, 2006
Whereas most Western religion has abandoned the concept of coercive conversion to their "true faith", many Muslims have not, and this is the basis for Western civilization's problem with Muslims, not a couple of square kilometers of land in the hands of Israel. There is no denying that trying to come to a settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict would be extraordinarily helpful in shoring up the "center" in the Arab world, removing an excuse for many Arab regimes, and taking away one barrier to modernization (i.e., the excuse of wounded pride due to Zionist-Western Colonialism -- pride is way too important in Arab culture, reflecting its overall backwardness as a civilization). However, any peace deal that weakens Israel and would ultimately lead to its demise (such as the Saudi Plan currently on the table) will only embolden the radicals, who would view such a settlement as a "win", jsut as they have viewed so many other concessions by the Israelis as wins.
The only hope of the Arab moderates -- and of Israel -- is a peace deal that would leave Israel with defensible borders as a result of land swaps, a fair and creative solution for Jerusalem and its respective holy sites, strong and reliable third party trusteeship for an indefinitely long period over the Palestinian territories to both protect Israel from the terrorist failed state that would otherwise take root there and allow a normal society to develop, and the absorption of Palestinian refugees outside of Israel.
JINSA Report #653: Turkey in the Middle on Arab-Israeli Relations
#653 Turkey in the Middle
Pelosi Going to Syria Despite Objections
In addition, this action should be taken as yet more evidence that, other than Hillary Clinton (whom I do not support for other reasons), the Democratic leadership, permeated by Leftist ideologues, is NOT a committed friend of Israel or its long term survivability.
thanks to Joel for this article.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Iran Escalates -
Debka reports that Russian intelligence places a US air and missile attack on Iranian nuclear sites on April 6th. That's a week form today.
Olmert: 'Not one refugee can return' | Jerusalem Post
NY Times Biased Story: Heads of Arab States Prod Israel to Embrace Peace Offer - New York Times
This article is also an example of artfully biased news coverage by the Times -- because the bias is in some sense subtle, and as much formed by omission rather than commission, so that you have to be familiar the issues to see the bias. this article has the Arabs fuming in righteous indignation, making accusations of Israel's lack of good will in not embracing this "generous offer" of Israeli self-destruction, with no possibility extended of modifications (as previously announced by the Saudis, who said this was a "take it or leave it" deal -- but not mentioned in this article). No mention is made in the article about the core Israeli concerns with this position -- or for that matter that a nation does not go to the negotiating table where they are told "take it or leave it", and if you "leave it" you are responsible for any war that may result. It is interesting that theis article, in articulating an Israeli response, makes no mention that the proposal shuts out any possibility of talk regarding core issues to the Israelis, like:
-- right of return of Palestinians to Israel (even though they'd already be getting their own nation under the proposal, Palestine -- forget about Jordan),
--the issue of a like number of Jewish refugees from Arab countries who no one hears about because Israel and the West showed responsibility and compassion in absorbing them, while the Palestinian refugees were not shown a similar courtesy by their Arab brothers,
-- land swaps of the type Jordan has engaged in with Israel (which has tons of international precedent) or which President Bush has previously anticipated as official US policy,
-- or any hint of compromise on Jerusalem.
This article's use of totally disingenuous soundbites, with no effective Israeli counter response, is another tool to make the reader think that the Israelis are being unreasonable, in the face of a concerted Arab effort to extend the hand of peace. For instance, take the following quote from the article,
"The Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, said, in addressing the meeting on Thursday, 'I reiterate the sincerity of the Palestinian will in extending the hand of peace to the Israeli people.' ”
OH, REALLY? Then why did the Palestinian people vote for the rejectionist Hamas over Abbas' Fatah, or why do public opinion polls in the Palestinian territories almost universally support a fight to the death with Israel? In the West we put more value on the truth of the spoken word (one reaosn that we tend to believe most of what we read -- and hence the danger of articles like this one). We have seen time and time again that in Arab cultures, "lying with a straight face" is totally acceptable behavior (a political psychologist would describe the Arab mentality in this regard as an acceptance of "parallel truths").
To write an article like this with as little countervailing opinion from the Israelis -- or anyone remotely balanced, for that matter -- illustrates the bad intent of the NY Times in reporting the news, and all right-minded individuals should express this view to the Times editors.
More in tis blog, later today, on what the Saudis are doing, as their foreign policy becomes more activist in a way that cleaves away from US foreign policy. Oil is spiking because of the lamentable Iranian British prisoner situation, but I wouldn't be selling oil to cover yet....
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Gaza sewage flood kills at least ten | Jerusalem Post
Gaza sewage flood kills at least ten | Jerusalem Post
“Islam will enter every house and will spread over the entire world, says Hamas leader Al-Zahar”
“Islam will enter every house
and will spread over the entire world,”
says Hamas leader Al-Zahar
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook
While the Hamas goal of destroying Israel is well known, its aspiration for Islamic subjugation of the entire world is just as basic to Hamas dogma. Both aims appear in the Hamas Charter as God's irrepressible will, and both aims were reiterated this week by senior Hamas leader and former PA Foreign Minister Mahmoud Al-Zahar.
At a mass rally in memory of Hamas founder Ahmad Yassin, Al-Zahar said that the Quran promises the "liberation of all of Palestine," meaning the destruction of Israel. He went so far as to challenge the Islamic faith of those who deny this goal: "No one can deny it. One who denies it must check his faith and his Islam.”
Regarding the Hamas religious goal of Islamic world domination, he said: “Islam will enter every house and will spread over the entire world.”
Below is the translation of Al-Zahar’s speech:
[Mahmoud] Al-Zahhar spoke at the mass rally held on the memorial day for Sheikh Ahmad Yassin…
Al-Zahhar emphasized that the Islamic Movement’s [Hamas'] position concerning the problem of the liberation of Palestine is clear and known, and said: "We have two important foundations: One is Quranic and the other is prophetic. The Quranic: The divine promise made in the ‘Al-Israa Sura’ [Chapter 17] is that we will liberate the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, 'and we will enter it as we have entered it the first time.' [paraphrasing Sura 17 (The Night Journey), verse 7]. And the prophetic foundation is the message of the prophet Muhammad, that Islam will enter every house and will spread over the entire world."
And added: "Our position is the liberation of Palestine, all of Palestine. This is the final and strategic solution for us. There is a Quranic message for us, that we will enter the Al-Aqsa mosque, and the entrance to the mosque means the entrance into all of Palestine. This is the message, no one can deny it. Anyone who denies it must check his faith and his Islam.” [Al-Ayyam, March 25, 2007]
Please feel free to forward this bulletin, crediting Palestinian Media Watch
Horrific video of a child sending her suicide bomber mother to her death | the Daily Mail
Horrific video of a child sending her suicide bomber mother to her death | the Daily Mail
Sunday, March 25, 2007
WSJ: Shariah in Minnesota
OpinionJournal - Cross Country
Friday, March 23, 2007
Abdullah’s Chance - New York Times
Oh, and what about Syria, Mr. Friedman?
Abdullah’s Chance - New York Times
YouTube - Daughter of Palestinian suicide terrorist sings to her mother
YouTube - Daughter of suicide terrorist sings to her mother
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Mideast: On Target - Saudi Peace Initiative
Mideast: On Target - Saudi Peace Initiative
The Long Exit - New York Times
"The Democratic leaders don’t want to be for immediate withdrawal because it might alienate the centrists, and they don’t want to see out the surge because that would alienate the base. What they want to do is be against Bush without accepting responsibility for any real policy, so they have concocted a vaporous policy of distant withdrawal that is divorced from realities on the ground.
Say what you will about President Bush, when he thinks a policy is right, like the surge, he supports it, even if it’s going to be unpopular. The Democratic leaders, accustomed to the irresponsibility of opposition, show no such guts."
The Long Exit - New York Times
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Our World: Lame ducks and sitting ducks | Jerusalem Post
PERHAPS what is most interesting about the diplomatic maneuvering taking place today is that all four main actors [Bush Olmert, King Abdullah and Abbas] carrying it out are advancing aims inimical to their national or organizational interests. Israel and the US's security interests, like those of Jordan, are harmed rather than advanced by the empowerment of Hamas. As for Abbas, Fatah's fiduciary interests are harmed by the transfer of power to Hamas.
So why are these men behaving as they are?
The answer to that apparently is to be found in a characteristic shared by Bush, Olmert, Abdullah and Abbas. All of them lead without the support of their people. All of the men, in engaging in near-manic diplomatic wrangling, are advancing the aims of neither peace nor security. They act as they do not because they believe in what they are doing - indeed, none of them could possibly believe in what he is doing. Rather, they are doing this because they want us to ignore the fact that in Bush's and Olmert's cases they are lame ducks, and in Abdullah's and Abbas's cases, they are sitting ducks."
Our World: Lame ducks and sitting ducks | Jerusalem Post
Poor Leadership, Part 2: Focussing on the Wrong Things....
Congress the Fed, the SEC etc... have fixated for years on the dangers that hedge funds pose to our nation's health (valid with respect to the issue of excess leverage, though most of their work has been focused on protecting high net worth investors from the small fraction of dishonest funds). In the meantime, right beneath Congress's nose has been the ever-increasing issue of sub-prime mortgages creating an increasingly risky situation for the most vulnerable of our citizens, the 70% or so who live paycheck to paycheck, have an average credit card debt of $8,500 per family, and generally lack the financial sophistication to understand the toxicity of the adjustable rate mortgages that they were being sold. Compounding this default risk is the fact that too many of debt-laden America has become accustomed to using their houses as a home equity piggy bank, gorging on this increased debt as if at the all you can eat buffet at the Sizzler, without regard to the consequences when house prices finally come down, as they have begun in earnest in many areas of the South, by 20% or more. Where has the Congress been while this problem has developed -- asleep, on the take, or both? How about the media, which has been very successful (once again AFTER the crime has already been committed) at focusing for the past several weeks on the scandal of poor health care for our brave soldiers? Isn't the definition of good leadership the ability to confront problems before they blow up in your face, rather than after they create terrible harm? this is truly a case of a bipartisan crime. See the article below for more on the subprime mess, and ramifications it can have through out our real estate economy. |
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Debka: Russia announces indefinite delays in Bushehr nuclear project, accuses Iran of abusing its goodwill
Russia announces indefinite delays in Bushehr nuclear project, accuses Iran of abusing its goodwill March 12, 2007, 7:18 PM (GMT+02:00) The contractor, Atomstroiexport Moscow, said the first fuel deliveries to Iran’s nuclear reactor would not go ahead as planned this month and the September launch date would not be met. Moscow and Tehran have been embroiled in a payment row. However, officials in Moscow accuse Tehran of exploiting Russia’s diplomatic support against the US drive for harsh sanctions over its nuclear weapons aspirations, while offering nothing in return. “If they do not respond to the questions of the International Atomic Agency,” said an informed source in Moscow, “let them answer for themselves.” Russian policy has consistently opted for engagement with Iran rather than confrontation. |
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