Monday, April 30, 2007

Nicholas D. Kristof - Opinion - TimesSelect - New York Times Blog

It would be nice if Congress would focus on this issue, the purported attempt by moderate Iranian elements to reach out to the US for a "grand bargain" replete with concessions. As I have written before, I would not be surprised by the accuracy of these reports, given past Iranian willingness to make grand concessions when pressed through the 80's and 90's, though it is unclear if the Iranian moderates would ultimately have "ruled the day", had the Bush administration followed through on this. It certainly would have been a start, though. If true, these papers (and our apparent reaction to them) would be a mind-numbing indictment of the conduct of US foreign policy, and in my opinion, would make the disastrous conduct of the war in Iraq pale in comparison. Is it too late?

"In Sunday’s column I lay out the attempts to reach a “grand bargain” between the U.S. and Iran, before Bush administration hard-liners killed the effort in 2003. Here I’m providing more background and the full documents."
Nicholas D. Kristof - Opinion - TimesSelect - New York Times Blog

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