Thursday, June 07, 2007

Time to confront the Muslim conspiracists | Uk News | News | Telegraph

Time to confront the Muslim conspiracists | Uk News | News | Telegraph: "Something is seriously wrong. A quarter of British Muslims believe the government and security services were involved in the July 7 suicide bombings in London, according to a poll for Channel 4 News.

One quarter cannot be dismissed as a lunatic fringe but constitutes a significant minority.

Yet this is not the first poll to show that many British Muslims harbour conspiracy fantasies: an NOP poll last August showed that 45 per cent of Muslims believed that the attacks of 9/11 were a conspiracy between the USA and Israel.

Last month, the Pew Research Center published findings consistent with this.

While we don't have figures for comparison, it seems highly unlikely that anything approaching the same proportions of Britons generally entertain such preposterous fantasies. Something has gone seriously wrong within the Muslim community."

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