Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Egypt --Human Rights Watch Does Its Hypocritical Thing—Again » Mosaic

Human Rights Watch Does Its Hypocritical Thing—Again » Mosaic:

"Egypt has forced more than 1,000 people out of the town of Rafah, which sits astride the border between Sinai and Gaza, is planning to expel thousands more, and is blowing up homes, all to create a buffer zone against terrorist infiltration. How has a leading human-rights organization responded?"

Nada, zilch, zero....

Mind you, I support the right of the Egyptians to make their border with Gaza safe, but I also support the right of the Israelis to do so from terrorist murderers. So why is it that HRW is silent when Egypt does it, but very noisy when Israel does it? How about the UN? Our own State Department? The mainstream media? Oh, I forgot, the media is busy covering Deflategate....

'via Blog this'

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