Saturday, December 02, 2006

Ahmadinejad to Haniyeh: Israel close to disappearing | Jerusalem Post

Read the article below and Ahmadinejad's own words. Israel will ultimately wither away, as Ahmadinejad suggests, if it does not take decisive action to take the fight to this sworn enemy in the next 12 months (a knockout blow in Lebanon would have been useful, but that didn't happen). Unless eleventh hour diplomacy miraculously disarms the Iranians, a US strike against Iran is not enough -- Israel must participate in such an action to send a message to its enemies. If Israel allows Iran to obtain nukes, it will have to withstand a first nuclear attack by Iran before similarly retaliating. More likely, Iran's proxy rejectionists, like Hezbullah and Hamas, will keep firing missiles and otherwise make life impossibly unlivable for Israelis, leading to a brain drain and sense of defeatism, and Israel will be unwilling to strike at Iran, the nuclear empowered armorer of these terrorists.
Ahmadinejad to Haniyeh: Israel close to disappearing | Jerusalem Post

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