Thursday, December 28, 2006

Web Hoaxism: German arms embargo on Israel Hoax- Zionism-Israel Web Log

My Mother unknowingly sent me a web hoax email condemning Germany for placing an arms embargo on Israel. I knew that I would have heard about this if it was true, so I googled it and found the attached explanation that this was simply a stupid web hoax (see German arms embargo on Israel Hoax- Zionism-Israel Web Log), which like many hoaxes, had its roots in a sliver of truth -- partial German suspension in 2002 of the sale of certain spare tank parts to Israel, under a much different German government, at a much different time (during the Intifada).

It is important for American Jews today to realize that Germany has a special relationship with Israel that is taken very seriously by Germany's foreign policy elite, which also radiates throughout German society. While German society may have its share of anti-Semitism (though a lot less so than its neighbors) and, like any friend, their government is not always going to be in lock-step agreement with Israel's, it is stupid and self-destructive for certain ignorant Jews to keep "fighting the last war" and attempt, through slander and libel, to push away one of Israel's best friends in the world. In short, Europe is a very bad place for Israel for a whole host of reasons; today's Germany is not one of them.

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