Thursday, January 11, 2007

Palestinian Media Watch -The First Saddam Hussein

PMW - Latest Bulletins

From the "Know Who Your Enemies Are" Department:

A soccer tournament for Palestinian youth has been named after Saddam Hussein, the official newspaper of the Palestinian Authority (PA), Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, reported. The Palestinians have fervently supported Iraq and the terror against US soldiers, and in the past have honored Iraqis for killing Americans. A region of the Jenin refugee camp was named after the first suicide terrorist in Iraq who killed four American soldiers, Ali Al-Na’amani. [Al-Quds, April 2, 2003]

The PA routinely names youth sporting events after terrorists, including a soccer tournament the PA named for the Passover eve suicide terrorist who killed 31 Israelis, and summer camps for girls were named after Wafa Idris, the first woman suicide terrorist, and Ayaat al Akhras a 17 year old, the youngest girl suicide terrorist. [Al Hayat Al Jadida, Jan. 21, 2003; Al-Ayyam, July 18, 2003; Al Quds, Aug. 14, 2003]

In addition, Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah movement announced that a double memorial stone has been erected honoring both Saddam Hussein and Yasser Arafat. The glorification of Saddam as a Shahid [Martyr for Allah] follows years of mutual support between Saddam Hussein and Yasser Arafat.

The following are the new articles:

“The sports department in the youth community center in Tulkarm is organizing the first soccer tournament named after the Shahid [Martyr] and leader, Saddam Hussein.”
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, January 10, 2007]

“The Fatah movement in the Deheishe camp south of Bethlehem erected yesterday two memorial stones in the memory of two shahids, Yasser Arafat and Saddam Hussein. This took place during a ceremony of the movement for the commemoration of 42 years to its establishment, with the presence of the delegate of the Fatah movement, Muhammad Al-Laham… Al-Laham:'The erecting of the two memorial stones comes from a positive recognition of the immense sacrifice that the two shahids realized for the sake of their nation. Both went without renouncing their national principles.'”
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, January 8, 2007]

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