Monday, January 15, 2007

RealClearPolitics -Breaking the Hold of Hegemonist Doctrine

I think Joel struck gold with this website! Here is another article from illustrating why it is perilous to the world to treat the US like a dangerous hedgemonist, the veritable "snake in the international Garden of Eden... Quite the contrary: when the United States retreats, the tyrants, bandits, and ideologues are unleashed. The rule of blood returns, and genocide and horror walk the streets and highways of this civilization." Particularly chilling (if true) is the excerpt on how the Rwanda Genocide got its start in a French Embassy unwilling to allow the chance of a Francophone country going Anglophone.

Again, we make our mistakes, but to abdicate responsiblity to multilateralism is simply asking for trouble.
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Breaking the Hold of Hegemonist Doctrine

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