Thursday, February 20, 2014

Poll: US approval ratings for Israel remain high | The Times of Israel

Poll: US approval ratings for Israel remain high | The Times of Israel:

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So, Israel has a 72% approval rating among Americans. How does Walt and the other anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists square this with their contentions that the Jews in the Israel lobby control our government? Perhaps, instead,  the American people control Congress, which is  apparently  abiding by their will when it supports Israel? Oh, that is called democracy, a difficult concept for hateful "experts" like Walt, who are in the minority, to accept.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

SodaStream and Scarlett Johansson: Three Comments | Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch

SodaStream and Scarlett Johansson: Three Comments | Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch:

SodaStream and Scarlett Johansson - Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch

Scarlett Johansson has given a clinic on how to stand up to bullies. Boycotts of Israel are absurd. The reason many Palestinians became refugees was that the Palestinian Arabs joined surrounding Arab states in a war of extermination against the infant State of Israel in 1948, a war that they lost. Israel came into possession of the West Bank because of a war of extermination that three Arab states launched against Israel in 1967 and lost.

    The PLO rejected President Clinton's Camp David proposals and launched a vicious war against Israeli civilians that killed a thousand and maimed ten thousand - and lost. Every day Palestinians try to inflict terror on Israel.

    The Middle East is burning with the fires of anti-Western, anti-democratic, anti-humanitarian savagery, torture and anarchy, and SodaStream is the primary preoccupation of those who supposedly advocate for truth, human rights and love? (Huffington Post)'via Blog this'

Friday, February 07, 2014

1930s Redux? Dismiss the Quenelle at the Risk of the Jews of France

1930s Redux? » Mosaic Magazine:

Why you should not dismiss the Quenelle as just a childish sign, no
less than the "heil Hitler" salute from whence it is derived.

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Peter the Red --The Rest of the Story About Pete Seeger

Peter the Red » Mosaic Magazine:

We know that obituaries, as a matter of courtesy and respect,  are supposed to put the departed in their best light. However, if you got taken in by the deification of Pete Seeger in the front page obituaries about his death this week, why don't you read this article, talking about his glorification of Josef Stalin and his ignoring Red atrocities to fit his world view. Was he an idiot or a bad guy? We can leave that judgement to his maker, but please,  know what he said.

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Monday, February 03, 2014

Seeing SodaStream for myself | Simon Plosker The Times of Israel

Seeing SodaStream for myself | Simon Plosker | Ops & Blogs | The Times of Israel:

Underlying Simon's Op-Ed is the question -- do the boycott people really work to help the Palestinians or hurt Israelis? Also,  Simon points out  the Scandinavians and others applying a double standard to Israel, insisting on getting their Sodastream machines from that beacon of workers' rights, China, rather than from Palestinians.

Full Disclosure: I am a director of HonestReporting, for which Simon is Managing  Editor (and a fine one at that).

'via Blog this'Seeing SodaStream for myself | Simon Plosker | Ops & Blogs | The Times of Israel