Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Iran Placing Medium-Range Missiles in Venezuela; Can Reach the U.S. :: Hudson New York

Iran Placing Medium-Range Missiles in Venezuela; Can Reach the U.S. :: Hudson New York: "Iran is planning to place medium-range missiles on Venezuelan soil, based on western information sources[1], according to an article in the German daily, Die Welt, of November 25, 2010. According to the article, an agreement between the two countries was signed during the last visit o Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to Tehran on October19, 2010. The previously undisclosed contract provides for the establishment of a jointly operated military base in Venezuela, and the joint development of ground-to-ground missiles.

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Friday, December 03, 2010

Editor's Notes: Exposed by WikiLeaks

Editor's Notes: Exposed by WikiLeaks: "Obama, we now know, had the diplomatic cables to prove that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was no obstacle to wide Arab backing for the toughest possible measures against Iran.

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Friday, November 05, 2010

RubinReports: Why Do Christians Remain Silent About the Persecution of Christians in Muslim-Majority Societies?

RubinReports: Why Do Christians Remain Silent About the Persecution of Christians in Muslim-Majority Societies?: "Christians in Iraq have been, and not for the first time, deliberately targeted in a major terrorist attack. Indeed, from Indonesia to Pakistan to Iraq, from the Gaza Strip to Egypt to Sudan to Nigeria, Christians are being assaulted, intimidated, and murdered by militant Muslims.

Yet virtually never do Christians in any of these countries—perhaps with some occasional exceptions in India--attack Muslims. In the West, there have been no armed terrorist attacks on Muslims or the deliberate killing of Muslims. There does not exist a single group advocating such behavior.

Have you seen any of this in the Western mass media? Have any Christian church groups—some of which find ample time to criticize Israel—even mentioned this systematic assault?

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Monday, October 25, 2010

Douglas J. Feith: Can Israel Be Jewish and Democratic? -

Douglas J. Feith: Can Israel Be Jewish and Democratic? - "The democracies of Europe and East Asia and those in the former republics of the Soviet Union, meanwhile, tend to cluster on the ethnic side of the spectrum. Numerous laws and institutions in those nations favor a country's principal ethnic group but are nevertheless accepted as compatible with democratic principles. Christian crosses adorn the flags of Switzerland, Sweden, Greece and Finland, among other model democracies, and the United Kingdom's flag boasts two kinds of crosses.

Several of these democracies have monarchs—and in the U.K., Norway and Denmark, the monarchs head national churches. France famously protects the integrity of the French language and the interests of French speakers, as do pro-French forces in Canada.

Ireland has a law that allows applicants of 'Irish descent or Irish associations' to be exempted from ordinary naturalization rules. Poland, Croatia and Japan have similar laws of return favoring members of their own respective ethnic majorities. Many other examples exist.

Israel was founded as a national home for the Jews, recognized as a nationality and not just a religious group. After Allied forces conquered Palestine from the Ottomans in World War I, Britain, France, Italy and other leading powers of the day supported the idea that the Jewish people, long shamefully abused as exiles throughout the diaspora, should be offered the opportunity to reconstitute a Jewish-majority state in their ancient homeland of Palestine.

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Mark Helprin: Why Israel Needs the Bomb -

Mark Helprin: Why Israel Needs the Bomb - "Sixty-five years after Germany's campaign to exterminate the Jews, of the many countries in the world Israel is the only one repeatedly subjected to calls for its extinction. Though Pakistan and India, like Israel and the Arabs, have suffered population exchange and territorial wars, neither questions the other's right to exist. So rare and extreme is such a position that one might think the countries of Europe, so many of which cooperated in hunting down their Jews, would do more to recognize its endemic presence in the Middle East.

They don't—their publics having largely accepted that, in regard to the question of Palestine, Arabs were the victims and Jews the victimizers and colonialists to boot. Even though, strangely for colonialists, the Jews had no mother country and it was their armed struggle that ejected Great Britain from the Levant. Conveniently forgotten is that the Jews accepted partition and the Arabs did not; that half the Palestinians who left in 1948 did so of their own volition; that more Jews left and were expelled from Arab countries than Arabs left and were expelled from Palestine; that Arabs were able to remain in Israel whereas the Arab states are effectively Judenrein; that Israel ceded the Sinai for a paper treaty, and Gaza in return for nothing but rockets and bombs; that, amidst a sea of Islamic states, it has accepted a Palestinian state while the Palestinians indignantly refuse to recognize it as a Jewish state; and that it was ready to compromise even on Jerusalem had Yasser Arafat been willing to take yes for an answer.

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hate Crime Statistics 2008--Anti_jewish HAte Crimes Outnumber Anti-Muslim by 10:1

Table 1 - Hate Crime Statistics 2008: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
In the attached table you will see that in 2008, the latest full year for which FBI statistics are available, Anti-Jewish hate crimes in the US outnumbered anti-Islamic hate crimes 1,013 to 105! Even if these numbers are a bit off, they are telling.
The point I am trying to make is not "booh hooh, protect me from the anti-Semites", but that we see an inordinate amount of hand wringing and hysteria by our politicians and media over the dangerous anti-Islamic attitude in this country, that the numbers haven't -- and undoubtedly won't -- bear out. If anything, Obama's fawning and uncritical attitude towards all things Muslim may be one of the leading causes of whatever new anti-Muslim behavior DOES develop in the US. Face it, my liberal friends -- Obama is a highly polarizing figure, and is deeply unpopular and offensive to a broad swath of Americans. In that sense, when he opens his mouth to moralize to Americans he often causes more harm than good. He should never have opened his mouth about the Ground Zero mosque, and, as a self-anointed bridge to the Muslim world, perhaps should spend more of his time doing what real friends do -- talk to the Muslims about the impression that THEIR very real anti-Christian and anti-Semitic behavior give off in the Western world. Why are our soldiers allowed to defend the Saudis, but cannot wear crosses BENEATH their clothing (forget about visible)? Why is the Arab world so dangerous for its Christians who have lived there before there were Muslims (not to mention the dangerously inhospitable environment that helped persuade millenia-old Jewish communities to abandon these lands)?
We seek mutual respect from the Muslim world, not capitulation, President Obama.

Monday, September 06, 2010

'Offlining’ campaign backs Yom Kippur ‘no-device’ day

'Offlining’ campaign backs Yom Kippur ‘no-device’ day: "“I happen to think turning our phones and other devices off on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur would be a wonderful way to demonstrate to ourselves and others that we are serious about making people, not electronic tools, our priority,” said Rabbi Maurice Salth of Central Synagogue in New York, who plans on speaking about the role of technology in his 5771 High Holy Days sermon.

“I am hoping this New Year will be a time for those of us with a penchant for electronic and other personal technology to take the time to prioritize what is most important to us so that we can say hineni, here I am, to those most important to us,” he said.

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Friday, August 27, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Fouad Ajami: The Obsolescence of Barack Obama -

Fouad Ajami: The Obsolescence of Barack Obama - "It is in the nature of charisma that it rises out of thin air, out of need and distress, and then dissipates when the magic fails. The country has had its fill with a scapegoating that knows no end from a president who had vowed to break with recriminations and partisanship. The magic of 2008 can't be recreated, and good riddance to it. Slowly, the nation has recovered its poise. There is a widespread sense of unstated embarrassment that a political majority, if only for a moment, fell for the promise of an untested redeemer—a belief alien to the temperament of this so practical and sober a nation.

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Monday, August 09, 2010

So farewell then, Tony Judt

So farewell then, Tony Judt: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
It is difficult to interpret double standards applied towards Israel by the likes of Tony Judt as other than Jew hatred or, at best, extremely naive and intellectually dishonest "progressivism" and internationalism. The world is better off for his loss, though the NY Times may seek to disagree.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Op-Ed Contributor - The Palestinians, Alone -

Op-Ed Contributor - The Palestinians, Alone - "What, then, are we to make of a recent survey for the Al Arabiya television network finding that a staggering 71 percent of the Arabic respondents have no interest in the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks?

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Chinese Factories Now Compete to Woo Laborers -

Chinese Factories Now Compete to Woo Laborers - "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
This is why the west still has a chance

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Column One: Weathering the approaching storm

Very compelling, very believable and very scary article on what is quite possibly about to descend upon the Middle East, and with poor US leadership, possibly the world.
Column One: Weathering the approaching storm

Peggy Noonan: A Snakebit President -

Peggy Noonan: A Snakebit President -

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Eliot Cohen: With Friends Like the United States . . . -

"What do the following have in common: the piling on Israel after the botched interception of the Hamas relief flotilla, the Chinese military telling the U.S. secretary of defense that he was not welcome in Beijing, and the declaration by Nick Clegg—now deputy prime minister of Great Britain—that his country's special relationship with America is over?

Answer: The Obama administration has managed to convince most countries around the world that we are worth little as friends and even less as enemies."

Eliot Cohen: With Friends Like the United States . . . -

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Daily Star - Opinion Articles - The end for America in the Middle East?

The Daily Star - Opinion Articles - The end for America in the Middle East?
Don't take my word for it -- read what the Lebanese have to say about the failure of Obama's Middle East policies, due to his "lack of a coherent strategy for the region" (quite an understatement).

Friday, April 30, 2010

Op-Ed Columnist - Fayyad's Road to Palestine -

Op-Ed Columnist - Fayyad's Road to Palestine -
This op-ed is a perfect example of the distortions of the left against Israel.
As usual, Mr. Cohen manages to adopt someone else's narrative and demonize Israel at the same time, without a word on how Israel (the dreaded Netanyahu, no less) has helped Fayyad be successful, such as removing scores of road blocks, facilitating the arming and training of his security forces, loosening economic limitations on business with the Palestinians by Israel, the Palestinians' biggest market, and overall encouraging Israeli cooperation in the development of the Palestinians' economy. Don't take my word for this, google Tony Blair, the Quartet's economic representative to the Paelstinians.

And by the way, Cohen, stop perpetuating the fiction of Israel's massive taking of West Bank land, implying the Palestinians are limited to small corners of the West Bank. Look at the map -- it is simply not true. Yes road blocks still exist, though they have been drastically scaled back, and yes, the security fence does still exist, but for the most part it follows the pre-1967 line, and no more than several percent of Palestinian territory are on the Israeli side of the fence. Then again, Palestinian Arabs are allowed to live in relative peace in Israel proper, while Palestinian territory must remain eternally Judenrein by right -- another of the many double standards applied by Cohen and his fellow travellers towards the Jewish state.

With respect to proactive actions to defend Israel's security, Israels have learned the hard way from a myriad of brutal Palestinian attacks against Israeli civilians that they must remain vigilant, even more so when the PA, led by Fayyad, continues to demonize Israelis and Jews to its people, starting with vicious anti-Semitic teachings at the elementary school level, and do nothing to prepare their people to accept the concept of living side by side with a Jewish Israeli nation. Naming squares, streets and schools after terrorist murderers of civilians does not accomplish this task. It is different to prepare your people for independence, than to prepare it to live peacefully alongside its enemy, and Cohen misses this distinction. One would think that Cohen would at least mention this critical factor in really achieving peace, but he doesn't, showing that painting his political narrative is his be all and end all.

The Israelis have been far from perfect, but these simplistic one sided opinion pieces do nothing to elucidate the issues.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Senators vs. Goldman Sachs -

Senators vs. Goldman Sachs - "Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri veered closer to the truth when she described Goldman's facilitation of trading in mortgage-related instruments as 'pure gambling' and told the executives: 'and you are the house.'

This was a valuable contribution. It reminded spectators that the transactions getting all of the attention—synthetic collateralized debt obligations (CDOs)—did not contain any mortgages. These were side bets. One could argue, as an astute reader did in a recent letter to the Editor, that investors like Mr. Paulson may even have helped reduce the impact of the housing crisis because they allowed stupid housing bulls to make their bets without actually creating any more bad loans.

If yesterday's hearing had any value, it was the recognition, even by the Senate inquisitors, of the real root causes of the crisis: too many bad mortgage loans with poor underwriting, and too many pools of these bad loans carrying a triple-A rating. Exploring the creation of junk loans should lead Senate investigators to the same place where most of the taxpayer losses are occurring—Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Former Fannie Mae Chief Credit Officer Edward Pinto calculates that as of June 2008, the toxic twins and other government entities were responsible for more than $2.7 trillion in subprime and Alt-A mortgage exposure. Goldman's mortgage business was small potatoes in comparison; in fact this figure is three times Goldman's entire balance sheet.

The Senate's pending financial-regulation bill has no reform of Fannie and Freddie. Fresh off their meeting yesterday with the marketplace, the committee members might start on the road to useful reform by insisting on a rewrite."

Op-Ed Contributor - Meet the Real Villain of the Financial Crisis. -

Op-Ed Contributor - Meet the Real Villain of the Financial Crisis. - "Yet, in the end, it comes down to this: Goldman Sachs, ACA Capital, IKB Deutsche Industriebank and even the rating agencies never had any duty to protect us from their greed. There was one entity that did — our government.

But it was the purported regulators, including the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Office of Thrift Supervision, that used their power not to protect, but rather to prevent predatory lending laws. The Federal Reserve, which could have cracked down on lending practices at any time, did next to nothing, thereby putting us at risk as both consumers and taxpayers. All of these regulators, along with the S.E.C., failed to look at the bad loans that were moving through the nation’s banking system, even though there were plentiful warnings about them.

More important, it was Congress that sat by idly as consumer advocates warned that people were getting loans they’d never be able to pay back. It was Congress that refused to regulate derivatives, despite ample evidence dating back to 1994 of the dangers they posed. It was Congress that repealed the Glass-Steagall Act, which separated investment and commercial banking, yet failed to update the fraying regulatory system.

It was Congress that spread the politically convenient gospel of home ownership, despite data and testimony showing that much of what was going on had little to do with putting people in homes. And it’s Congress that has been either unwilling or unable to put in place rules that have a shot at making things better. The financial crisis began almost three years ago and it’s still not clear if we’ll have meaningful new legislation. In fact, Senate Republicans on Monday voted to block floor debate on the latest attempt at a reform bill.

Come to think about it, shouldn’t Congress have its turn on the hot seat as well? Seeing Goldman executives get their comeuppance may make us all feel better in the short term. But today’s spectacle shouldn’t provide our government with a convenient way to deflect the blame it so richly deserves."

Monday, April 19, 2010 | BlogCentral | The Warped Mirror | Obama's challenger | BlogCentral | The Warped Mirror | Obama's challenger

The View From Jerusalem: Israel is Anxious about the Obama Administration -

The View From Jerusalem: Israel is Anxious about the Obama Administration - "For all the current talk about Israel costing America lives and treasure, the striking fact is that the U.S. has never had to go to war to defend the Jewish state. This is more than can be said for Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Bosnia, Kosovo and the people of Afghanistan and Iraq. That's because for 62 years Israelis have provided for their own defense, in an alliance with the U.S. that has reflected American values and—in both the Cold War and the war on terror—advanced American interests.

The Obama Administration seems not to grasp this point, which is why these are anxious days for Israel and its American friends."

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Washington Institute --Inside the Syrian Missile Crisis

Inside the Syrian Missile Crisis: "Israel has traditionally responded to threats such as these by bombing Hezbollah missile sites in Lebanon. However, Israel has indicated privately over the last year that the next conflict could include strikes inside Syria as well, or perhaps target weapons convoys as they cross the porous Syrian-Lebanese border.

Although the risks of a Syrian counterstrike are great, some Israeli officials might see an advantage in striking at both Syria's and Lebanon's military hardware. Analysts say most decisions to go to war would be based on Israel's strategic calculations in the north. But there are regionwide calculations over Iran as well. If Israel destroys Hezbollah's weapons, it could provide a window of time in which Israeli cities are under a decreased threat of missile attack. This would give Israel a perfect opportunity to strike Iran without risking an immediate retaliation from Tehran's allies to its north. This scenario would not be cost-free for Israel, but given its overriding concern over Iran's possession of a nuclear weapon, Israeli leaders might judge it to be an acceptable level of risk. Given that an Israeli strike on Iran still seems out of the question for the time being, however, this may be one of the reasons why cooler heads have prevailed so far."

What Does "Pro-Palestinian" Really Mean? - Hudson New York

What Does "Pro-Palestinian" Really Mean? - Hudson New York: Great piece from last year, but more timely than ever. Excerpt:
"Here is an idea: Let’s substitute Israel Apartheid Week with Palestine Democracy Week, where Palestinians would be urged and encouraged to demand an end to financial corruption and bad government.

The “pro-Palestinian” activists in the West clearly do not care about reforms and good government in the Palestinian territories. As far as these activists are concerned, delegitimizing Israel and inciting against “Zionists” are much more important that pushing for an end to financial corruption and violence in Palestinian society.

Telling the world how bad and evil Israel and the Jews are does not help the Palestinians as much as demanding good government and encouraging the emergence of young and “clean” leadership in the Palestinian territories.

If the “pro-Palestinian” camp in the West were investing a similar amount of its anti-Israel efforts in promoting moderation and civil society among Palestinians, it would be doing them a great service."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

PMW Bulletins:From the "No Partner In Peace" Files

PMW Bulletins: "Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad is sponsoring a fencing tournament for youth named after the terrorist leader Abu Jihad.

'The Baladna Club will hold the Shahid (Martyr) Abu Jihad Fencing Championship on [Palestinian] Prisoners' Day and under the auspices of the Prime Minister [Fayyad]... in the club's building located in the Shahid (Martyr) Yasser Arafat Center... The girls' groups are [divided according to] age 13 - 20 and boys' groups from age 16.'
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 13, 2010]

Honoring terrorists who have killed Israelis by naming sports facilities, tournaments and summer camps for Palestinian youth after the terrorists, is a policy of the Palestinian Authority, and part of its program to turn terrorists into heroes and role models for children. Palestinian Media Watch has documented this PA glorification of terrorists.
For more examples of Fayyad and Abbas honoring terrorists, see below."

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Putin's Pro-Israel Policy :: Middle East Quarterly

Putin's Pro-Israel Policy :: Middle East Quarterly

While this article is a bit dated, its underlying premise is not -- the Russians, under Putin-Medvedev, have shown a much more balanced foreign policy towards Israel, and less shrill than Europe, based on a number of factors: Putin's antipathy towards Muslim terrorists, which could only be heightened by the subway terrorist attacks in Moscow several weeks ago, his empathy towards Israel as it is continuously castigated on the world stage for defending itself against Islamic extremists, the fact that one in five Israelis is Russian, and Putin's mystical attachment to the Russian Orthodox Church and great interest in its properties in Israel.

In addition to all of that, now consider the following: Obama's clear hatred of Israel and ridiculously naive/weak policy towards the Iranians offers Putin a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to radically alter the strategic picture in the Middle East. As Obama tries to permanently change US foreign policy away from a pro-Israel stance based on common values and security interests, the Israelis will find they need another big friend on the world stage pretty soon, one with a veto on the security council and with real influence over European foreign policy. Likewise the Saudis, moderate Arab nations like Jordan and the Gulf states need a counterbalance against Iran, because Obama's behavior towards America's erstwhile (to him) ally in the Mideast, Israel, and its feckless behavior towards Iran shows these Arab nations very clearly that they are on their own, and that, without a strong global voice behind them, they will become Finlandized by the new Middle Eastern superpower, a nuclear Iran.

Watch the Russians carefully. There is a good chance the Russians are about to undo fifty years of US influence building in the Middle East, because of Obama. This could make the disaster of Carter's Middle East foreign policy look like child's play.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Erdogan of Turkey Attacks Israeli Nukes

Here is the difference between Israeli nukes and Iranian nukes: no Arab country has ever made a big deal about Israeli nukes until now because they understood Israel's purpose for the Bomb -- as a final point of defense against Arab onslaught, not as a tool with which to terrorize its neighbors into submission, and therefore it was not worth their political embarrassment to raise publicly (the Arab street -- "Then why don't WE have nukes"). Ask the Saudis or the Egyptians how much they fear an Israeli nuke vs an Iranian one. Erdogan is simply an evil Turk trying to reestablish Turkey's Middle Eastern empire by moving the Turks towards lowest common denominator common cause with the Arab street. The best thing the entire civilized world can do with him is to show him the respect he deserves -- none.
By the way -- why don't I hear anything from Erdogan about proven Pakistani nuclear proliferation to terrorists, or Indian nuclear weapons? Answer: the traditional anti-Israel double standard.
Whether the US administration vigorously protects Israel from these evil attacks will be a litmus test of the US administration's intent to throw Israel under a bus and tie Israeli disarmament to Iran's. This would be an elegant way to explain away Obama's diplomatic failure at stopping the Iranian nuclear effort -- blame it on the intransigent Jews.

The old Israel consensus "is breaking down" -- Republicans and Independents Support Israel Overwhelmingly, Democrats, Not | BlogCentral | Rosner's Domain | The old Israel consensus "is breaking down": Republicans and Independents Support Israel Overwhelmingly, Democrats, Not

Rosner readers should know by now that Republicans and Democrats don't share the the same views when it comes to Israel. But here's another writer discovering that support for Israel runs on party line. Or as the article claims: 'the old political consensus that brought Republicans and Democrats together in support of the Middle East's only flourishing democracy is breaking down'.
look at the disparity that emerges when those results are sorted by party affiliation. While support for Israel vs. the Palestinians has climbed to a stratospheric 85 percent among Republicans, the comparable figure for Democrats is an anemic 48 percent. (It was 60 percent for independents.) And behind Israel's 'Top 5' favorability rating lies a gaping partisan rift: 80 percent of Republicans - but just 53 percent of Democrats - have positive feelings about the world's only Jewish country.

Similarly, it is true that 333 US House members, a hefty bipartisan majority, endorsed the robustly pro-Israel Hoyer-Cantor letter to Clinton. But there were only seven Republicans who declined to sign the letter, compared with 91 Democrats - more than a third of the entire Democratic caucus. (Six Massachusetts Democrats were among the non-signers: John Olver, Richard Neal, John Tierney, Ed Markey, Michael Capuano, and Bill Delahunt.)

From Zogby International, meanwhile, comes still more proof of the widening gulf between the major parties on the subject of Israel. In a poll commissioned by the Arab American Institute last month, respondents were asked whether Obama should 'steer a middle course' in the Middle East - code for not clearly supporting Israel. 'There is a strong divide on this question,' Zogby reported, 'with 73 percent of Democrats agreeing that the President should steer a middle course while only 24 percent of Republicans hold the same opinion.'"

Friday, April 09, 2010

Israel and Iran: Obama's End Game

For any Obama supporter who had hopes that our president's "new ideas" diplomacy would lead to a solution to the Iranian problem without harming Israel much in the process, the jury is in and the verdict is not a pretty one. For those who thought that Carter, Brzezinski, Baker and MacFarlane were bad for Middle East stability generally, and for Israel specifically, wait until you see where Obama is taking this issue, particularly after the mid-term election when he will be unrestrained by US public opinion. Make no mistake abut it -- Obama intends to turn American foreign policy as it relates to Israel 180 degrees, and make the world a much more dangerous place for every American ally as a result. It is almost unbelievable.

Obama takes us back a generation in his radical views, in that he has a leftist intellectual's obsession with broader nuclear proliferation, without differentiation between allies and enemies or their respective intents, and a zero sum approach to Middle East peace -- one side must win, the other must lose (and we have become familiar enough with Obama's world view to know where Israel stands in this equation). It is not only with healthcare that he has obsessively pursued an agenda item that is at the top of his list, but not at the top of America's. Broad nuclear proliferation (i.e., not just focusing on rogue states like Iran and North Korea, but on everyone, INCLUSIVE of the U.S.) has proven to be another deeply held priority of Obama's -- his "important" UN speech on nuclear non-proliferation, his new treaty with the Russians (was THAT really a high priority?), his historic change this week in American nuclear deterrent policy, and the upcoming nuclear conference in Washington. At the same time, he has utterly failed to make any discernible progress in his attempts to control Iran's march towards a nuclear arsenal, even throwing under the proverbial bus a budding Iranian democratic velvet revolution, in the naive belief that this would increase his ability to persuade Iranian theocratic revolutionaries to abandon their nuclear program (by the way, why is it that, for all their supposed worldliness and multicultural understanding, that liberal globalists seem to have an absolute inability to listen to and understand the motives and thought processes of our enemies, instead transferring their hopeful and "rational" thought processes to our adversaries?).

Obama has been so completely unsuccessful with the Iranians that he is now changing his tone clearly to the language of containment. Our Arab Gulf allies and Saudi Arabia have lost any confidence that Obama is willing or capable of dealing with the Iranians, and they must be increasingly skeptical that we will allow Israel to do what we should do. Indeed, some theorize that the increasing demonization of Israel in official and unofficial Washington (as well as the dual nationality canards that have appeared recently on and from Professor Walt) is partly to send the message to Israel not even to try anything in Iran -- we will not be there to protect you. Rumors have surfaced of US air force training focusing on interdicting against aircraft employing "Israeli tactics", and the most recent report that Israeli nuclear scientists have become persona non grata in the US by the Obama administration (I wonder if Pakistani nuclear scientists face similar restrictions).

So what is next? How is Obama going to turn this sow's ear of Iran policy into a purse? Perhaps a closer look at his recently revised nuclear doctrine should give a hint. The changes made not only keeps the door open to using nuclear weapons to attack Iran as a non-proliferation treaty signatory that is violating the treaty, but it also keeps the door open to using nuclear weapons to attack a non-signatory which develops nuclear weapons, like Israel. While I am not suggesting seriously that Obama would go that far, the leaking of information that Israel might be ganged up upon at the Washington nuclear proliferation conference next week is no surprise, and leads to where Obama is taking this. He was a part time law professor and likes symmetry. Quite simply, his Hail Mary pass on Iran will be to push forward the conversation, by the end of the year, of "trading" Israel's nuclear ability for Iran's, turning the Middle East into a nuclear free zone for Israel's own good (which it can do nothing else but refuse). This will allow Obama to further isolate Israel and turn it into an international pariah, which will both deflect blame from his utter failure to effectively deal with Iran and further pressure Israel to make unrequited concessions to the Palestinians.

If not exactly as described here, variants of this scenario surely await us, if concerted and effective pressure is not placed on all levels of the Obama administration. This course of events will surely result in a multitude of repercussions that are difficult to fathom. People talk about the horrible unforeseen events that could result from a military attack on Iran. Think about what could happen if we don't.

Friday, April 02, 2010

A Defense of Drones -

A Defense of Drones - I applaud the Obama administration for getting it right on this score, even if they are incapable of admitting that their predecessors in the bush administration got it right too. Yes, there are collateral civilian casualties to these targeted killings, but that is the regrettable cost of war when the terrorists literally hide behind civilians.
Now, may i ask, why is it any different when Israel attacks terrorists with blood on their hands in such a way? Why are those actions 'not helpful' to the 'peace process' or otherwise worthy of condemnation? Why the double standard by the world when Israel (supposedly) assassinates a terrorist in Dubai with blood on his hands? Is the fraudulent use of EU passports merely an excuse to apply this double standard? If and when Israel attacks the mothers of all terrorists, Iran, which threatens Israel's very survival by word and by action every day, how strong will the international condemnation of Israel be, starting from the mouth of the hypocritical Obama administration? For that matter, with the Iranians arming insurgents in Afghanistan to kill OUR soldiers, why are we not engaged in targeted killings of Iranian terrorists leaders? Perhaps the experience of having their comrades killed by hellfire missiles on their home territory would bring Iranian leaders to the nuclear negotiating table a bit quicker. Something to think about, Barack....

A Defense of Drones -

A Defense of Drones -
Its great that our government is defending the targeted killing of terrorists and their leaders as an "inherent right of self defense" with faceless drones from thousands of feet in the sky that, unfortunately, also kill civilians.
Now why is Israel's targeted killings of terrorists any different? Double standard?

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Video - The Link between Nazism and Arab Anti-Semitism

Video - The Link between Nazism and Arab Anti-Semitism
Click on thus link that will take you to an incredible German documentary video (8 minutes) discussing the links of Nazism to Arab Nationalism and Islamic Fundamentalism. In their hatred of democracy, Western capitalism and multi-party political participation, elevation of physical morality, worship of honor and war making, and tying these factors to quotes from the Koran and Nazi racial anti-Semitic ideology (that lives on in the Arab world today), Nazism infused fundamental Islam with its ideological roots., truly melding fundamental Islam with evil Europeam seeds that genuinely result in something called "Islamofascism" (when studied in this context, not just a neo-Conservative buzz word).
For more on this subject, see a fascinating book review on the subject in the current issue of Commentary, "Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World" by Jeffrey Herf (sorry, you need a subscription to access it).

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Op-Ed Columnist - This Time We Really Mean It -

Op-Ed Columnist - This Time We Really Mean It -
This time, Friedman has it spot on. Afghanistan is nearly a carbon copy of Vietnam, right down to the corrupt ruler who runs it. The problem is, how does Obama get us out without further undermining our credibility inthe Mideast. THIS is the war the Democrats wanted -- Bush won the war they didn't want (Iraq), allowing us to get out in an acceptable way that preserved our deterrence (if not popularity) in the Mideast. Stay tuned, this one will get worse, especially with the Iranian situation going unresolved.
Do you think the Saudis and the Gulf Arabs (no less Israel) are feeling good about Washington right now? Naive, inexperienced Obama is making a hash of our foreign policy and relationships in a way that no other president since Carter has done. This is really serious.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A New Tradition at the White House - the Seder -

A New Tradition at the White House - the Seder -
Leave it to the NY Times to make it front page news to engage Obama in a "Jew-friendly" custom, amidst his demonstrated lack of affection for anything remotely having to do with the return of the Israelites to Jerusalem (I wonder what the quisling Jews at Obama's seder table think to themselves when the traditional statement "Next Year in Jerusalem"" is made at the Seder table). No doubt, this blatantly planted PR story will warm the cockles of the hearts of hopelessly liberal Jewish supporters of Obama, who wish to find ANY reason to believe that he did internalize anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist attitudes suckling at the teat of Rev. Wright for twenty years Most of us are not this naive.
How sacreligious is it for this "Seder" to even be conducted?

Bret Stephens: The Netanyahu Diaries -

Bret Stephens: The Netanyahu Diaries -

John Bolton: What the President Can Learn From Google -

John Bolton: What the President Can Learn From Google -
"When an enterprise of Google's global dimensions and visibility reverses course in China, it sends a message to enterprises world-wide: You can do the same. Do not fear to assert your interests, and those of your present and potential Chinese customers. For the most part, foreign companies doing business in mainland China previously assumed that their risks lay on the side of not complying with Beijing's orders, however burdensome or threatening to profits or property interests."

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Middle East Peace Scam

The Middle East Peace Scam
by Daniel Greenfield
"I condemn the decision by the government of Israel to advance planning for new housing units in East Jerusalem"

Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden, March 09, 2010
For nearly twenty years the great sham of the Middle East Peace Process has dragged on. And this despicable scam has consisted of only one policy, only one platform and only one plan. Pressuring Israel for more concessions.

Year in and year out, new peace conferences were declared and new plans for peace were hammered out. All of them had one thing in common, they carved up Israel for a non-existent peace. When Arafat and his gang of terrorists made a concession, it was to demand 5 percent less of Israel in the current phase of negotiations. When Israel made a concession, it was to turn over another 10 percent of land to its worst enemies in this phase of negotiations... in exchange for them putting off their demands for that 5 percent into the next phase of the negotiations. And this sick charade in which Israel gave and the terrorists took was the peace process.

While this great surrender process was going on, outside the bombs went on exploding, tearing apart buses, restaurants, malls and families-- the politicians and diplomats in charge excused the terrorists and damned Israel if it so much as lifted a finger to defend itself, or erected a single checkpoint to catch at least one of the terrorists on the way to kill a dozen people in Jerusalem.

And now finally the Vice President of the United States arrives in Israel to reaffirm his absolute commitment to Israel's security, a commitment he and just about every other politician who let that phrase trip lightly off their lips, honors by pressing Israel to surrender again the terrorists. He arrives and condemns the greatest impediment to peace. Jewish families living in the capital of their own nation.

Biden did not take the time to condemn Abbas for his failure to hold elections, for his attendance at a funeral for the terrorists in his own militia who murdered an Israeli Rabbi, for his violation of the
Gaza Jericho agreement or for his recent threats of a Holy War against Israel. Not even the Palestinian Authority naming a municipal square two days ago after Dalal Mughrabi, one of the Coastal Road Massacre bus hijackers, resulted in any statements of condemnation. Let us for a moment balance the horrifying scene of Jews moving into new apartments in Jerusalem, vs the Coastal Road Massacre in which Fatah terrorists murdered Gail Rubin, an American nature photographer, hijacked a bus, and murdered 38 passengers, 13 of them only children.

But the murder of Israelis never "undermines the trust we need right now". Only Jews living in East Jerusalem can do that. Not Israelis, Jews, for if Arab citizens of Israel were moving into new buildings in East Jerusalem, Biden and the media would not be condemning Israel for it. It is precisely Jews that are the problem for the Obama Administration and its Media-Government Complex. Just as they were a problem for Hitler and Stalin. Just as they have always been a problem for would be tyrants.

There are of course no worries about whether Israel will trust Abbas and his Fatah gang. As if anybody in their right mind would, after nearly two decades of terrorism that followed the ballyhooed signing of the Peace Accords and the famous handshake overseen by a smiling Clinton. After violating nearly every agreement he ever signed with Israel, Arafat unleashed a wave of terror, while pocketing a fortune in foreign aid. And after every bombing, the same despicable conglomeration of diplomats and politicians and diplopols that form the "World Community" pointed Israel to the negotiating table. Their only solution, then as now, was more concessions. By Israel to the terrorists-- of course.

And so here we are in the splendid year 2010, 5770 in the Hebrew calendar, and 1431 in the Muslim calendar. In a few months it will be 43 years since the Liberation of Jerusalem. Since Jews returned to the Old City they were ethnically cleansed from by Muslim soldiers. And today the Hurva synagogue, twice destroyed by Muslims,
has been completely reconstructed. In 1948 the Jordanian command expelled the Jews from East Jerusalem and destroyed the Hurva synagogue, vowing that the Jews would never return. And today in the year 2010, the Vice President of the United States comes on a mission to carry on their work. That of the dynamiters and the bombers and the expellers.

This is where nearly two decades of negotiations have brought us. In the early nineties, Israel was discussing the status of certain West Bank towns. Today Israel is being warned against allowing Jews to live in Jerusalem. Tomorrow... I would dearly like to say that the possibilities are endless, but there are only so many parts of Israel where Jews still live, and no doubt the eager ethnic cleansers in the Obama Administration and the EU have plans for them too.

And so the Middle East Peace Scam marches on. There is a great deal of preparation for intense rounds of negotiations at which it will be determined what else Israel must give for there to be no peace. East Jerusalem will naturally end up on the table soon enough. Meanwhile the entire farce has less legal basis than a kangaroo court and all the consistency of a drunken liar on the witness stand.

Today there are three Palestinian states. One in Jordan, divided to create an Arab State in the bygone days of the Palestine Mandate. A second state in Gaza, which is ruled over by Hamas as part of the spoils from their war with Fatah. A third state in the West Bank ruled over by Abbas and Fatah, even though his term ended and there have been no new elections. Out of this hodgepodge, Israel is expected to negotiate even though Hamas refuses to negotiate any permanent peace agreement, and Fatah has no legal authority to represent anyone.

You will not of course hear about any of this in the media, which is still busy being outraged by the thought of Jews living in Jerusalem. When they're not being outraged by the thought of Israel treating Rachel's Tomb as a heritage site. After all the Prime Minister of Turkey
has declared that Rachel's Tomb is not Jewish, but Islamic. Just as all of Israel is Islamic. Just as all of the world is Islamic. But the world isn't paying attention. The world is certain that the rage and violence of a billion Muslims can be calmed with some Jewish land and Jewish blood. Just as the rage and violence of Nazism could be calmed with some Czech land and blood.

But why listen to me? Listen instead to
the soothing words of Ahmad Bahar, the Speaker of the Palestinian Authority Parliament.

"Make us victorious over the infidel people! Allah, take hold of the Jews and their allies, Allah, take hold of the Americans and their allies Allah, count them and kill them to the last one and don't leave even one.

Ah, but you say it's about "the occupation". And there will be peace when the terrorists have all the land they feel they're entitled to.
But... no.
"Our enmity with the Jews is a matter of faith, more than an enmity owing to occupation and the land."

Oh yes, there will be peace when they have all the land that they feel Muslims are entitled to. And this is the scope of
their territorial demands.
Soon, Allah willing, Rome will be conquered, like Constantinople was conquered, according to the prophecy of our prophet Muhammad. Their capital will be the first post of the Islamic conquests that will spread all over Europe then it will turn to the two Americas and even to Eastern Europe."
But don't worry. Joseph Robinette Biden is deeply committed to fighting against Jewish families living in Jerusalem. And the Middle East Peace Scam marches on.
Daniel Greenfield
Copyright - Original materials copyright (c) by the authors.

Bret Stephens: The Settlements Aren't the Problem -

Bret Stephens: The Settlements Aren't the Problem - "The Palestinians' beef with Israel isn't territorial—it's existential." And the problem with all peace efforts to date is that they try to pretend otherwise, which leads to the continuous call for more and more one-sided concessions by Israel, as the Palestinians get a free pass on what they are expected to do. A Jewish state of Israel is not just politcally anathema to the Arab world, but very deeply religiously anathema. The sooner we realize this and speak openly of it, the sooner we can truly deal with this situation.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Peres stresses J'lem policy to Ashton

Peres stresses J'lem policy to Ashton: "In an early morning meeting on Thursday with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Baroness Catherine Ashton, President Shimon Peres reiterated what has been Israel's construction policy vis-à-vis Jerusalem for the past forty years, and stated that it should remain so.

'The pattern was for building in suburbs that were basically Jewish and not in those suburbs that were basically Arab. We have to continue that policy,' he said. 'We shouldn't build where we didn't, and we should build where we did – and we should get on with the negotiations.'

Peres made the point that this policy had until now been accepted by everyone including the Palestinians and had not generated any real problems in the past with regard to negotiations."

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

RJC - Republican Jewish Coalition

RJC - Republican Jewish Coalition: "The Obama administration has used harsh and intentionally undiplomatic language to exacerbate tensions with our ally Israel in the wake of Vice President Biden's visit there. The strident and unwarranted escalation of tension, which has turned a minor diplomatic embarrassment into a major international incident, has raised serious concerns about the administration's Israel policy from a variety of mainstream voices.*

Now Israeli sources report that the administration is pressuring Israel not only to halt construction in Ramat Shlomo but to make a 'confidence-building' concession such as releasing hundreds of Palestinian prisoners (presumably terrorists) or turning over additional West Bank areas to Palestinian control.

We believe the administration's actions are disproportionate and one-sided. It should be noted, there has been no similar official U.S. condemnation of any Palestinian action, including recent rioting on the Temple Mount and official Palestinian plans to name a public square for a female terrorist responsible for the worst single terror attack on Israeli soil.

Moreover, the administration's stance is dangerous to the best interests of the U.S. and Israel. By distancing ourselves from our most important strategic ally in a troubled region, an ally with which we have strong and necessary joint military, intelligence, security, and trade agreements, we weaken the United States. By taking the role of the Palestinians' negotiator in the guise of an 'honest broker' and advancing Palestinian demands that should be the subjects of direct Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, not their preconditions, the administration is seriously weakening the security of Israel.

A report in the Politico that Vice President Biden, speaking to Prime Minister Netanyahu behind closed doors, explicitly linked Israeli housing policy with the safety of U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan is also of great concern. It demonstrates the false linkage between the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the war on terrorism often used by Israel's enemies to undermine Israel's legitimacy and efforts for security and peace.

We call on the Obama administration to halt immediately its unwarranted pressure against Israel, to take steps to heal the dangerous rift it has created between the two countries, and to return to the policy of its predecessors in supporting Israel's security and well-being as an important strategic ally."

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

U.S. Raises Pressure on Kenya -

U.S. Raises Pressure on Kenya - "The U.S. push in Kenya—a bastion of stability in an east Africa region that includes the war-torn states of Somalia and Sudan—contrasts with its more subtle approach toward neighbors including Ethiopia, an ally of the U.S. in its fight against terrorism that has been accused of human-rights abuses related to political violence."
For those looking for yet another analogy between the Carter and Obama adminsitrations, here we are -- putting pressure on a long time but imperfect ally, a relative beacon of Western values and relative stability in a troubled region, while coddling some horrible people a couple of hundred miles away.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

President Obama's Dangerous Game of Politics - US News and World Report

President Obama's Dangerous Game of Politics - US News and World Report: "The trouble in 2009 was that the economy took a poor second place to the president's obsession with an overly complex health bill, in which the key issue of cost control was fudged and political corruption in the form of buying votes fomented public revulsion."

Monday, February 22, 2010

Israel is Americans' fifth favorite place - Haaretz - Israel News

Not the Israel Lobby, as much as American democracy and shared values, that results in US support for Israel.

Israel is Americans' fifth favorite place - Haaretz - Israel News

Video: Mother celebrates son's Martyrdom death: "All mothers should sacrifice their child for Palestine"

Mother celebrates son's Martyrdom death:
"All mothers should sacrifice their child for Palestine"

PMW Bulletins

Friday, January 29, 2010

Clinton: China risks isolation over Iran

Dare I say this, but "Hillary for President in 2012"?
Clinton: China risks isolation over Iran

Jews flee Malmö as anti-Semitism grows - The Local

The Nice Swedes? Anti-Zionism as a cloak for rampant anti-Semitism is an epidemic in Europe,together with traditional right wing anti-Semitism, particularly the most secularist, "civilized" Europe.

Jews flee Malmö as anti-Semitism grows - The Local

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Gaza Freedom March Dispatch #3 -- The ITT List

Obama's buddy, Bill Ayers. See link. Very scary to think that this man has/had ties with Obama (as is the case for Reverend Wright as well). Obama's heart is not in the right place....

Gaza Freedom March Dispatch #3 -- The ITT List

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Op-Ed Columnist - The Tea Party Teens -

Op-Ed Columnist - The Tea Party Teens - "In the near term, the tea party tendency will dominate the Republican Party. It could be the ruin of the party, pulling it in an angry direction that suburban voters will not tolerate. But don’t underestimate the deep reservoirs of public disgust. If there is a double-dip recession, a long period of stagnation, a fiscal crisis, a terrorist attack or some other major scandal or event, the country could demand total change, creating a vacuum that only the tea party movement and its inheritors would be in a position to fill."