Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Syrian “friendly fire” kills scores of Iranian, Hizballah soldiers on way to Golan

Syrian “friendly fire” kills scores of Iranian, Hizballah soldiers on way to Golan:

If this article's analysis is correct, Israel needs to announce a red line, NOW, that the Iranian Revolutionary Guards will not be permitted to take the Syrian southern border region from Syrian rebels, and face Israel, nose to nose. Israel cannot afford to have either Iranian or Hezbollah forces on the Golan Heights border, and take control of intelligence gathering capabilities that could limit Israel's ability to act against Iran.

Israel must actively bolster the Syrian rebels on the Golan Heights immediately (the Israelis already take care of their wounded) and announce that they will not tolerate Iranian or Hezbollah control there. If this results in Israeli and Iranian forces coming into combat (more likely, it would result in Israeli air assault of Iranian/Hezbollah combined forces),  it could derail Obama's catastrophic policy of cutting a bad deal with the Iranians on nuclear weapons. If the Iranians do not back down on the Golan Heights and the Israelis and Iranians become effectively involved in a hot war, Obama's  nuclear deal will not happen, or if it does, it will be somewhat easier politically  for Israel to take unilateral action against Iranian nuclear capabilities in Iran, as an extension of the Golan Heights conflict.

Obama’s Secret Iran Strategy -- Manchurian Candidate or Hopelessly Naive?

Obama’s Secret Iran Strategy » Mosaic:

Manchurian Candidate or hopelessly naive? I've been scratching my head over this one for six years. This is an excellent set of pieces analyzing Obama's approach to the world, particularly Iran.  The conclusion: all of the above, with a sprinkling of extreme self-assuredness (and resulting close-mindedness) thrown in to make the toxic mix complete.

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Sunday, February 08, 2015

Friday, February 06, 2015

Is the U.S.-Turkey Relationship Crumbling? - The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Is the U.S.-Turkey Relationship Crumbling? - The Washington Institute for Near East Policy:

The attached article is too diplomatically written, and doesn't go far enough, probably due to Mr. Cagaptay's needs to maintain open channels in Turkey. However, it at least raises a good question -- Turkey, friend or foe?

Turkey under Erdogan has gone from being a relatively secular, most-of-the-time democracy, to a predominantly authoritarian state that holds elections, but where dissent and free press is quashed, with more journalists in jail than anywhere else in the world (yes, including China and Iran). More importantly, it is a supporter of radical Sunni terror groups of all shades,  has at a minimum, turned a blind eye to the rise of ISIS in Syria, and has turned Israel into an enemy state, alongside Erdogan making some bizarrely tone-deaf anti-Semitic statements. Moreover, Turkey has become an achilles heal for the spread of Islamic influence and terror into Europe, with limited open borders treaties with the EU terrifying certain, more security-minded EU member states (e.g., Poland).

It would  be nice if there was some jawboning moral leadership from a White House occupant, calling on Turkey to choose sides, but we long gave up any such expectations from the president, who continues to scintillate us with the six year old question of, "Is he hopelessly naive or is he the Manchurian Candidate?"

Thursday, February 05, 2015

Breaking: NYT Admits Obama Deliberately Manufactured Netanyahu Spat

Breaking: NYT Admits Obama Deliberately Manufactured Netanyahu Spat 

Where does the NY Times' and the Obama administration's anti-Israel fervor end?

'We Haven't Shown Enough Outrage:' French PM Issues Blistering Denunciation of Antisemitism (VIDEO) | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

'We Haven't Shown Enough Outrage:' French PM Issues Blistering Denunciation of Antisemitism (VIDEO) | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com:

One brave, honest man in a country of cowards and haters. No, make that a continent of cowards and haters, per the last two paragraphs of this piece:

"Just as striking as the raw emotion which characterized the Prime Minister’s address was the lack of media attention, certainly in the English language, given to his comments about antisemitism and the future of French Jews. Leading outlets, among them the BBC, the Financial Times, the Daily Mail and English-language broadcaster France 24, either made no mention of the sections of Valls’ speech that dealt with antisemitism, or buried them deep in their reports.
An indication, perhaps, that the lack of outrage which so incensed the French Prime Minister will continue for as long as journalists and reporters fail to acknowledge that hatred of Jews lies at the core of Islamist ideology, just as it did among the nationalists and xenophobes whom Emile Zola confronted more than a century ago.​"
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