Saturday, March 31, 2007

Australian Muslim Found Guilty of terror plot to Blow up Australian Power Grid - National -

Lodhi guilty of terror plot - National - Every day, around the world, Islamic extremists are out there, at war with us, though many Democrats would argue otherwise.
See also "Jihad Watch", which quotes the convicted on a videotape found in his home, echoing what many conservative Muslims believe (check their public opinion polls if you have any doubt),

"Jihad "is a way to spread the religion and terrorise the enemy, to expand the domain of Islam all around the world".Jihad Watch --"Jihad is the best thing that man can ever volunteer to do" -- May 4, 2006

Whereas most Western religion has abandoned the concept of coercive conversion to their "true faith", many Muslims have not, and this is the basis for Western civilization's problem with Muslims, not a couple of square kilometers of land in the hands of Israel. There is no denying that trying to come to a settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict would be extraordinarily helpful in shoring up the "center" in the Arab world, removing an excuse for many Arab regimes, and taking away one barrier to modernization (i.e., the excuse of wounded pride due to Zionist-Western Colonialism -- pride is way too important in Arab culture, reflecting its overall backwardness as a civilization). However, any peace deal that weakens Israel and would ultimately lead to its demise (such as the Saudi Plan currently on the table) will only embolden the radicals, who would view such a settlement as a "win", jsut as they have viewed so many other concessions by the Israelis as wins.

The only hope of the Arab moderates -- and of Israel -- is a peace deal that would leave Israel with defensible borders as a result of land swaps, a fair and creative solution for Jerusalem and its respective holy sites, strong and reliable third party trusteeship for an indefinitely long period over the Palestinian territories to both protect Israel from the terrorist failed state that would otherwise take root there and allow a normal society to develop, and the absorption of Palestinian refugees outside of Israel.

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