Sunday, March 28, 2010

A New Tradition at the White House - the Seder -

A New Tradition at the White House - the Seder -
Leave it to the NY Times to make it front page news to engage Obama in a "Jew-friendly" custom, amidst his demonstrated lack of affection for anything remotely having to do with the return of the Israelites to Jerusalem (I wonder what the quisling Jews at Obama's seder table think to themselves when the traditional statement "Next Year in Jerusalem"" is made at the Seder table). No doubt, this blatantly planted PR story will warm the cockles of the hearts of hopelessly liberal Jewish supporters of Obama, who wish to find ANY reason to believe that he did internalize anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist attitudes suckling at the teat of Rev. Wright for twenty years Most of us are not this naive.
How sacreligious is it for this "Seder" to even be conducted?

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