Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Netanyahu says Israel won’t let Iran get nuclear arms | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.

Netanyahu says Israel won’t let Iran get nuclear arms | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.:

I find several things interesting in this modified AP coverage in the Saudi newspaper, the Arab News, of Netanyahu's UN speech.

Firstly, It is no surprise that the Saudis would be supportive of Israel's  solo effort to remind the world of what Iran is capable. If there is a silver lining to Obama's wishful thinking about Iran, it is that he is enabling better understanding between Israel and the Sunnis. Now if the Palestinians would just play ball, but that won't happen as long as their European enablers are active.

Secondly, this piece in the Arab News lacks some of the typical anti-Israel editorial flourishes that one often sees in articles about Israel in this newspaper. It reports  solid, hard facts of Iranian terrorism and duplicity in dealing with the West, following the path of Netanyahu's speech to let the facts -- not the smiles --- speak for themselves. In contrast, see the "news" coverage in the New York Times today which seems to focus on the "tone" of the speech, it's purported attempt to speak to Israeli domestic audiences, and its isolation of Israel from the UN mainstream, rather than what the speech actually says -- typical NY Times editorializing on the news page.

If the world would prefer not to do anything about Iran, it would be nice if "leaders" would just say so honestly, rather than hide behind the empty words of the Iranian leader. In the meantime, it is fun reading the tea leaves through the press coverage put out by the organs of the various participants.

'via Blog this'

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