Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mosaic Magazine - God’s People

Mosaic Magazine - God’s People:
An important read. Basically, "being proud to be a Jew" with no sense of religious attachment or commitment, equals no Jewish future, according to the statistics.
"The path to Jewish peoplehood in America, in other words, runs directly through religious communities. It is not just that Jews by religion are exponentially more likely to know a Jewish language, join any kind of Jewish organization, feel committed to Israel or to a larger Jewish people, or decide to raise their children as Jewish in any sense, as described above. It is that the overall decision to take Jewishness seriously involves a meaningful engagement of some kind with Jewish religion, the absence of which entails not secular Judaism in America (at least not at the statistical level—there are always exceptions) but disengagement."
'via Blog this'

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