Friday, October 09, 2015

Carson suggests Hitler would have been able to kill less Jews had they been armed :: World Jewish Congress

Carson suggests Hitler would have been able to kill less Jews had they been armed :: World Jewish Congress:

I am not a Ben Carson supporter, and I have serious problems with some of the NRA's positions. However, can it be disputed at all that fewer Jews would have died if violent resistance were an option? If Jews had been able to violently resist earlier and on a more widespread and disruptively piecemeal basis than the centralized Warsaw ghetto uprising, that perhaps the Nazis would have made more effort to take the easier way out and deport more Jews to wherever they could (at the time, primarily to parts of Latin America)? The ADL cautions Carson to check his gun control politics at the door; perhaps the ADL, run by a former Obama operative in Greenblatt, should likewise dispense with its gun control opinions, consider the possibilities and use a modicum of its imagination under this alternative history. Consider what the Rosenstrasse protests in 1943 Berlin accomplished and you realize that, while the fate of the Holocaust would not have been averted, more Jewish souls, perhaps hundreds of thousands, could have been saved if Jews could have defended themselves.'via Blog this'

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