Tuesday, February 13, 2007

FT.com / In depth - Iran on course for nuclear bomb, EU told

Well, there you have it -- accordign the an internal EU assessment paper, diplomatic efforts have not stopped the Iranians at all so far and they are on course to a bomb in thhe next three years. This should give all the ammunition necessary for a renewed, concerted strong diplomatic effort of vigorous sanctions coupled with the carrot of negotiation on this and terrorist support for easing of US sanctions (yes, there is a bit of Baker-Hamilton in me), with a realistic threat of military action in the background.

The Saudis are already trying to stake a Sunni leadership position by brokering the Palestinian government unification (a bad deal for all opponents of extremism). The Iranian issue cannot be ignored for any longer, lest we see some really damaging Sunni mischief emerge.
FT.com / In depth - Iran on course for nuclear bomb, EU told

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