Tuesday, June 26, 2007

2007 Failed States Index

See this link for the entire article, from Foreign Policy magazine. When you look at the chart below, please note that a disproportionate number of failing states are either Islamic or strongly influenced by Islamic neighbors, underscoring the threat that Islam presents to the modern world. We can't hide from it and we can't appease to it -- we have to figure out how we can score some military and political victories in this war of civilizations, thereby gaining respect and a glimmer of recognition in the Islamic Street that we are not caving in to the inevitability of history, and help the moderate Islamics turn the tide.
Foreign Policy: The Failed States Index

The columns highlight the 12 political, economic, military, and social indicators of instability. For each indicator, the highest score (greater instability) is in black; the lowest score (less instability) is in white.

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