Thursday, June 28, 2007

HonestReporting Movie: 15 Seconds

This short movie begs the question of how much restraint Israel should now demonstrate with Hamas. Within no more than 12 months (and maybe tomorrow, if the Iranians so deem it), not only will the dusty development town of Sderot be within 15 seconds of disaster, but the heart of Israel as well, as Hamas/Iran begins to take over the West Bank from the corrupt and feckless Fatah. Tony Blair is not going to change that. The only solution is total military reoccupation of the West Bank by the Israelis, or Jordanian confederation/trusteeship over the West Bank (I have long preferred the latter). The Palestinians are a failed state before they even are a state. It would be insanity and suicidal for the Israeli government to pretend otherwise.

HonestReporting Movie: 15 Seconds

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