Monday, November 05, 2007

Jim Hoagland - How to Rein in Iran Without War -

Jim Hoagland - How to Rein in Iran Without War - "This is one basic that Bush critics frequently overlook -- in part because it gets lost in the overheated 'World War III' rhetoric of the president: The IAEA and the U.N. Security Council have determined that Iran has lied about its nuclear activities and has therefore at least temporarily forfeited its right to enrichment for peaceful purposes. That Iran has gone to great, secretive lengths to create and push forward a bomb-building capability is not a Bush delusion. But neither is it fantasy to say, as do Russia and China, that the Iranians have had great difficulty in getting their system of 2,952 centrifuges at Natanz, south of Tehran, to work effectively. The scenarios provided to Bush by U.S. and Israeli intelligence some years ago on what date Iran would get the bomb have not been validated. Bush does not face the pressure that he once anticipated for a binary, strike or no-strike, decision before he leaves office."

Diplomacy must be accelerated, because there is still an outside chance that it works.

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