Monday, September 04, 2006

DEBKAfile - “Lebanese Security” Is the Pretext for the Naval Babel around Lebanon’s Shores

Interesting development -- I disagree that this buildup could be in connection with US-led developments regarding Iran between now and November. Nothing is happening before the US elections. Rather, this may be both an overwhelming show of muscleflexing by the cowardly Europeans (who must do SOMETHING with all that expensive military hardware), and perhaps a dress rehearsal for an action to retrieve or support their UNIFIL trooops in Lebanon, should Hizbullah/Syria/Iran do what they did in the 80's and target these Western forces in Lebanon to score more points in the Arab world and take pressure off of Iran (as the Hizbullah-Israeli war temporarily did). As to Debka's contention that these forces are there for Iran, they also might be there as a dress rehearsal to take on Syria in 2007, as its interference in Lebanon goes unabated. Stay tuned.

DEBKAfile - “Lebanese Security” Is the Pretext for the Naval Babel around Lebanon’s Shores

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