Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Redeploy US troops to Iraq's desert | Jerusalem Post

Here's an interesting idea from Daniel Pipes. Of course, when things REALLY got bad after our redeploying to the desert, would our troops be able to just stand still and not do anything while a Dharfur was occurring all around us? I'm not saying that some eleements of this plan could be appealig on an interim basis, but my preferred view is still to get the Sunni-led Arab League together and force them to be part of the solution while also enhancing Suni prestige in the Arab world (at the expense of Iran) and putting some Egyptian troops on Iran's border (we should get something for our $2+Billion a year to them, after all, and they are cetrtainly not doing muuch good keeping Al Qaeda under control in the Sinai). See my other writings on this topic for more detail, if you wish (most specifically, "Global Predictions, Part 2", September 3rd).

Redeploy US troops to Iraq's desert | Jerusalem Post

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