Sunday, January 28, 2007

Brooks: Parting Ways in Iraq - New York Times

Les Gelb called for and redicted the inevitablility of an ethnic partition in Iraq in 2003 -- it is terribly unfortunate no one in ower listened. In Iraq today the beginings of such a artition are occurring. See Davd Brook's attached Oped for more. Parting Ways in Iraq - New York Times
Also see my blog posting from October 23, 2006 regarding population exchanges, entitled "Reuters on Jewish Refugees -- For Israeli-Palestinian Peace, Palestinians Must Get Realistic About their Demand For "Right of Return" To Israel", and why they make sense in cases such as this one. As I say in that posting regarding such exchanges,

"During the 20th century there were inumerable population transfers and exchanges effected among warring peoples that have been accepted by the international community, as varied as the Greek-Turkish population swap following WWI, mass expulsion of Germans from Poland and Czechoslovakia following WWII (to the victor go the spoils?), to the rationalization of the states that used to comprise the former Yugoslavia. It isn't pretty, some may call it "ethnic cleansing", but it works at reducing violence and civil war, allowing people to get beyond the preoccupations of the past, and to move on to the future in a relatively peaceful manner. One can easily envision the positive aspect of a massive population exchange in Iraq, if we could figure out how to equitably treat the distribution of oil revenues among the three peoples who control that embattled land."

Now if someone would just listen.

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