Friday, January 12, 2007

In Foreign Policy, Do Liberals Stand for More Today Than Anti-Conservatism?

The "Liberals" who dominate the Congressional leadership today are great at being anti-Bush and anti-everything the Republicans say and do. But do they stand for anything in the foreign policy sphere? Is the ghost of George Meany, and his AFL-CIO's activist anti-Communist foreign policy out there?

Quoting the attached op-ed (Interesting Times: Pelosi's Passion) ,

"Luckily, some liberals are beginning to realize that conservative disarray should not lead them to become so carried away with proving what they are not that they forget what they stand for.

This is essentially the message of a group of British intellectuals who launched"The Euston Manifesto" in March, and a similar group of 200 prominent Americans who joined this effort in September (see "Some of us" the American statement says of radical Islam, "view this ideology ... as the third major form of totalitarian ideology of the last century, after fascism and Nazism, on the one hand, and Communism, on the other. Others regard it as having a history in the Arab and Islamic world that eludes the label of totalitarianism. We all agree however that it fosters dictatorship, terror, anti-Semitism and sexism of a most retrograde kind. ..."

These are the type of Liberals I can have a respectful conversation with, not the intellectually dishonest or lazy, shrill naysayers who stand for nothing but their own narcissism and avarice.

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