Friday, May 18, 2007

Declining Intelligence

Declining Intelligence: "RECENTLY a six-man jihadi cell in New Jersey was arrested while allegedly planning an armed attack on a military base. In California a jury is now deliberating the fate of a naturalized Chinese-American, who the government alleges worked as a spy for China. Per various media reports Russian intelligence activity against the United States and its European allies is back to Cold War levels. You would think that if ever there was a time to focus our intelligence community on clear and present dangers, it would be now.

Think again.

Congress is now debating the merits of turning the intelligence community loose against global warming. There is precedence for this: in 1997 then-director of Central Intelligence Deutch established an 'Environmental Center' in the CIA's analysis directorate. Since climate change is now an official threat (according to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences), what better time to take resources away from the fight against al Qaeda?"

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