Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Enemy Within -- 25% of Muslim teens: Suicide attacks ok | AP

25% of Muslim teens: Suicide attacks ok: "One in four younger US Muslims say suicide bombings to defend their religion are acceptable at least in some circumstances, though most Muslim Americans overwhelmingly reject the tactic and are critical of Islamic extremism and al-Qaida, a poll says."

While the article goes on to mitigate this number, even a 5% US Muslim acceptance rate of suicide bombing is chilling. There are an estimated 3 Million Muslims in the US (the article sites a lower figure that comes from Census data -- the figure I have seen is 3-5 Million). If even 5% of 3 Million American Muslims find suicide bombing to be acceptable "to defend Islam" (a very broad cause, which has included killing commentators for "insulting" the Prophet Muhammed), and even 1% of those individuals is willing to act upon it, that means that you have 1,500 Muslim potential suicide bombers who are native to the US. Think about it....

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