Thursday, December 07, 2006

Dennis Ross on Iraq, Syria, Iran and Iraq Study Group

See the attached article by Dennis Ross in the New Republic. Article or Op-Ed To paraphrase Ross, among other interesting points he makes in this article,

"...Iran and Syria should be treated as part of a collective. Singling them out gives them more of a reason to be spoilers and to up the ante for what they seek in return. We want the focus with each of them to be Iraq -- not the nuclear issue with Iran, or Lebanon and the Golan Heights with Syria. The more we treat them as fixers in Iraq -- when, in fact, they are not -- the more they will seek trade-offs on other issues. I am not arguing against engaging either the Iranians or Syrians. But it should be done on terms that don't favor them so clearly. We should be prepared to raise the costs to them practically, not only rhetorically, when it comes to their bad behavior. To date, with both Iran and Syria, we have been speaking loudly and carrying a small stick. This needs to change. "

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