Thursday, December 28, 2006

Question For My Christian Friends As We Enter the New Year

Some of you do not believe that we are engaged in a war of civilizations against Islamist radicalism that cannot tolerate the existence of "the other" in its midst. Some of you say, "if the Israelis would just act more reasonably everything would be OK...".

Then explain for me the following: why is it that Christians accounted for upwards of 90 percent of Bethlehem for years until the Palestinian Authority took control of the city in 1995. Immediately Christians started fleeing the city under "alleged" political persecution, personal violence, rape, theft of property by Palestinian Muslim neighbors. Now the population is about 20 to 25 percent Christian (these statistics are confirmed by Palestinian leaders). Hezbullah is attempting to finish off the destruction of Christian Lebanon, and Christian presence in the Arab world has dropped precipitously during the past 25 years -- precisely the period during which the Islamist movement has become powerful.

Does this not tell us something about the Islamist agenda?

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