Friday, December 29, 2006

Syria poised to assert itself -

Another view on Syria is linked below, to complement my article on Syria yesterday ("What is Really Going on with Syria -- Iran’s Strong Ties With Syria Complicate U.S. Overtures").

My oldest son and I had lunch with the author of this Baltimore Sun op-ed, Seth Wikas, at a Washington Institute conference several months ago -- a bright young man, Princeton educated and Jewish, he had just returned from a year of Arabic study in Damascus, of all places. He described it as a fascinating time, very, very safe for foreigners (a by-product of an authoritarian state and periodically being followed by a secret service escort), great historic sites that were virtually untouched by history -- and unvisited. I almost wanted to go there by the time he was done. Great to see a young generation pursue these interests, and cheers to the Washington Institute for helping encourage their growth.

Syria poised to assert itself -

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