Wednesday, November 22, 2006

DEBKAfile - Israel Opts for Major War Campaign in 11th Hour of Hamas Build-up

It certainly seems as if Israel is going to war again, declared or not. The world doesn't seem to see the Qassam missiles landing on the heads of the residents of the Negev, but Olmert knows that sooner or later tey are goign to make him lose his government. this is a tough one -- if Israel attacks, it only helps Iran and Israel's other enemies, and could expose, once again, Israel's less than total dominance because of its lack of political will. Israel will certainly come under international pressure to do something stupid, and that could include agreeing to the placement of European forces in Gaza, which would seriously hurt Israel's ability to engage in intelligence operations and counterstrikes there.
Israel Opts for Major War Campaign in 11th Hour of Hamas Build-up

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